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So what’s our story, you ask?

We are Katri & Hanno, the Trailblazers & Lighthouses of the Centre of Positive Influence, or COPI as we like to call it. Nice to (virtually) meet you!

Our “once upon a time” takes us back a number of years, when our extraordinary journey began over a business lunch. Little did we know at the time that this was the beginning of our shared WHY. Yet looking back, then from the very first meeting our values aligned & sparks “why we exist” flew. And if we were to think it was a mere coincidence, we really need to think again! Through different collaborations, friendship, thrilling life adventures, and our ever-following passion to make a positive impact along the way whoever our paths cross with over the years, we have given life to this very initiative right here – the Centre of Positive Influence.

Having acquired the ability to speak a variety of different lingos (from everything business to humanely human) and by uniting our forces, minds and hearts, we are here to challenge the status quo, defying the notion of “we’ve always done it this way”, and being by your side to support individuals, teams, and organisations in their quest for greatness. We believe that our potential as humans knows no bounds & everyone has a lighthouse (hidden) inside them to guide them on their journey to greatness. Hence, we want nothing more than to be your steadfast companions on this exhilarating journey of growth, aha-moments, and triumphant success. Everything that serves you the best by enabling you to be the best of you. For you.

Fun fact (because we love these!): namely, COPI is also a short version of the Latin word “copia” which means “abundance” (talking about the powerful sub-meanings!). By becoming also a COPI (aka the Positive Influencer) you can PASTE that unique magic of yours on by creating the world you have always wanted to be part of. Not a dream, but a plan, so join the adventure.


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