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Our mission is to positively impact the world by empowering individuals, teams, and organisations to be the best versions of themselves.

Why do we exist?

We unlock untapped potential, inspire collective growth, and foster a global community of empowered beings who lead purposeful and impactful lives, ultimately creating a positive impact on the world.



Being different, thinking different, and doing different are highly celebrated in our world. We also fully embrace vulnerability in the pursuit of growth, positive change, and making a difference in the world that serves the greater good.


We are here to live BIG by leading a life that is intentional and meaningful. It is about creating a fulfilling journey that is not only dedicated to achieving the set goal, but also embracing the unknown and enjoying the adventure along the way.


We live by the mindset of creating a positive and inclusive environment where kindness in the share of openness, constructive honesty, and curiosity becomes a catalyst for building meaningful relationships, fostering unity, and spreading positivity in the world.


We are all about igniting curiosity in both ourselves and others. Embracing our uniqueness and -let's face it!- also charming quirkiness, we cultivate a space of intellectual excitement where everyone is empowered to question, learn, and thrive.

Meet the COPIs

Katri Delimoge


Katri Delimoge


CIPD-certified in HRM (UK), Positive Power & Influence (Chartwell Learning, UK), professional coach (Erickson College International), Thomas DISC PPA Practitioner, and ScrumMaster (Scrum Alliance). Her expertise includes the following:

  • Organisational culture design
  • Full cycle of People functions & teams
  • Leadership training & facilitating
  • Learning & Development
  • Internal communication
  • Professional coaching
  • Mentoring
  • Motivational speaking
  • Scrum agility

Hanno Ahonen


Hanno Ahonen


Diploma in Organisational Leadership, Political Science, and International Relations (USA). Certified IT Recruiter in Technical Competency and Modern Recruitment. His expertise includes the following:

  • Business operations & growth
  • Global mobility
  • Talent acquisition
  • Leadership development
  • Partnerships & Sales
  • Career development
  • Mentoring
  • Networking
  • Motivational speaking

What our clients say about us

I had a two-day training with Katri, and it was truly an enlightening experience, filled with valuable insights, practical tools, and an overall positive atmosphere. The content was well-structured, making it easy to follow and apply the concepts in real-world scenarios. I particularly want to commend Katri for her exceptional facilitation. Her warmth, enthusiasm, and expertise made the training informative and enjoyable. Working with her was a pleasure, and her approach was both professional and personable. What stood out the most for me was Katri’s emphasis on reconnecting with our humanity. In the hustle and bustle of leadership and management roles, losing sight of our core essence as human beings is easy. Katri’s reminder to be authentic, empathetic, and genuinely human resonated deeply with me. I look forward to applying the knowledge and skills gained in our day-to-day operations. Here’s to more insightful and human-centric training sessions in the future.

Britten Hotler

Human Resource Manager

When I met Hanno for the first time, I was his client, and when I met his team and they started providing service to us, I was always wondering how passionate is this team. It was unbelievable how they cared about us as a client and they were always providing more than my expectations. I was experiencing the real meaning of “customer care”. I remember the day he asked me to give him honest feedback about his team and I remember the exact words I told him; “They love us! Yes, They love us! Really! And they are providing service to us not like a client, but like a family! His excellent expertise in leadership has always been exemplary for me and doing business with him was more than exchanging a service. I’m still learning from Hanno and his team!

Hamid Baberi

Executive Manager

Katri and Hanno are a perfect example of two people who complement each other in the best way possible. Together, they make a real business-power-couple, that are just a joy to work with!

Having my experience in working with them, I really admired their professional approach to preparing for their training session – they wanted to know about the people that they would work with, the environment that they would present in and really map our needs. 

The positivity that both Katri and Hanno bring with their presence is undeniable!

I just wish that everybody would have a possibility to cooperate with such amazing people as Katri and Hanno are!  

Merilin Aug

Chief Talent Officer

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